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2019-2020 Budget Summary
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The budget is out, and, while it could have been worse, it could have been much better. The Legislature did not restore most of the Governor’s proposed cuts to CD…
EVV & Self-Direction Report
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CDPAANYS published a report detailing the recommendations of those who use Consumer Directed Personal Assistance (CDPA) on the implementation of a controversial n…
Budget Analysis
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The New York State fiscal year 2018-19 budget was passed and took effect April 1st, 2018.  Consumer Directed Personal Assistance Association of New York State (CD…
Governor Cuomo proposes 2018-19 budget. Bottom line – It’s bad for CDPA and those who use it
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Governor Cuomo proposes 2018-19 budget: Bottom line – It’s bad for CDPA and those who use it Governor Cuomo has released his budget and it is potentially devastat…