Report: The High Cost of Low Wages (2020 version)
Posted: April 26, 2020 |
The Consumer Directed Personal Assistance Association of New York State (CDPAANYS) has released a new report, entitled The High Cost of Low Wages. The report is based on the results of a survey of consumers within Consumer Directed Personal Assistance (CDPA), updating a previous report released in February 2017.
This report details the extent to which low wages and budgetary cuts that have targeted CDPA have impacted consumers’ ability to use the program. It notably finds significant difficulties in recruitment and retention of personal assistants (workers) and the resulting impact on consumers’ success within CDPA. The report concludes that the same barriers facing consumers in hiring and maintaining personal assistants described in the 2017 report remain, and new state policies have created additional limitations on an overstretched program.
To view the report in its entirety, please click here.